Hybrid Pixel Detectors

Hybrid pixel detectors are advanced imaging sensors where the sensor and readout electronics are implemented on separate substrates. This design enables the creation of smart pixels with sophisticated in-pixel signal processing. These detectors have a wide range of applications, including medical imaging, particle physics, synchrotron science, and free-electron laser experiments.

Our research focuses on innovative hybrid pixel detector concepts, such as capacitive signal transmission (CCPD) and simultaneous photon counting and charge integration for digital computed tomography.

Our Developments

PHOTON Readout Chip

Our first ASIC, the PHOTON readout chip, features a 150µm x 150µm pixel size, integrating high-dynamic-range (26-bit) integrators and 13-bit counters.


PHOTON pixel readout chip

MPROC Pixel Readout Chip

Our latest design, the MPROC chip, is built using 180nm CMOS technology with a 55µm x 55µm pixel size. It enables precise detection of single particles with high energy (10 bit) and time resolution (< 100 ps). One potential application includes detecting gold nanoparticles using a CdTe sensor (PLASMED-x).

Wafers with MPROC and other designs (run 2021)


These projects are supported by the Helmholtz Programme Matter and Technology.